The Code
// Entry Point
function getValues() {
// Get values from the page
let inputString = document.getElementById('pString').value;
// Call logic function to test if palindrome
let palResults = checkForPalindrome(inputString);
// Call display function to report to user.
displayResults(palResults, inputString);
// Logic Function
// Determine if string was a palindrome or not.
function checkForPalindrome(inputString) {
// Take string, remove punctuation
let stringRegEx = /[a-z]/ig;
inputString = inputString.match(stringRegEx);
let revInputString = [];
// Reverse string, store it
for (i = inputString.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Compare
if (revInputString.toString().toLowerCase() === inputString.toString().toLowerCase()) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// Return true or false.
// Display function
// Insert into the page html
function displayResults(palResults, inputString) {
if (palResults == true) {
let stringRegEx = /[a-z]/ig;
inputString = inputString.match(stringRegEx);
inputString = inputString.toString().replaceAll(',', "").toLowerCase();
document.getElementById('results').textContent = `"${inputString} is a palindrome!"`;
} else {
document.getElementById('results').textContent = "It is NOT a palindrome!";
The code is structured in three functions. Called functions will be detailed in their own sections.
Click a headline()
to scroll to that section of the code. And click
the function name within the code to scroll to that write up section.
This is the start of our app. We call each of these blocks of code, a function. Since this is our
entry point, we call this our entry point function.
First we create inputString
and set it to
Let's break that down.
refers to our HTML page.
grabs the html element with the unique name(id) of
pulls the input information of that html element. This is either assigned by the
or given to us by the user.
We then create palResults
set to the result of our solving,
when it is given the
We then call our display function, displayResults()
, to return
information to the user. This is passed the palResults
and inputString
This is our logic function.We give it the parameter of inputString
which will be the
string that the user created on the page. Then, this function is what will do all the checks
necessary to see if our input string
is a palindrome. For this we use RegEx or (Reg)ular (Ex)pressions. RegEx is a way to use search
patterns to find and replace text in strings, or to validate inputs.
This variable stores our RegEx parameters, /[a-z]/ig
. This pattern finds all the
from a to z while
ignoring case (i) and checking globally (g) which just means it checks
every word. So in the end we get a return of the entire string, minus any
punctuation, spaces or numbers. We do this with the next line using the .match
to match the pattern of our RegEx.
This variable is being created as an empty array that we can use within our for loop to store our
empty string. All strings are just arrays of letters behind the scenes.
The last major part of this function is our for loop. We use for loops quite often to to iterate
through processes. This starts the same as many for loops where we give it three expressions. First
we create i
and set it to a beginning value. This time we've set it to
inputString.length - 1
. Since all strings are arrays, we can calculate the length of
our input string, subtract 1, and that gives us the last index of our string. We then say that while
i >= 0
execute the code. Then, during each loop we decrement i by 1 using our decrement
operator --
Only a single process happens in this for loop. We take our inputString
and use the
fact that a string has array properties to our advantage. We start at the end of the
's index
and use .push()
to add that that to the revInputString
array. We have
simply turned it backwards. That is all the for loop does. When i
goes below 0, the
loop concludes.
After our for loop we use an if statement to determine if our revInputString
is equal
to our inputString
. We use .toString()
to return a string representation
of an array, then we use .toLowercase()
to get rid of any of the uppercase letters as
they would cause inequality between the two strings despite being the same letters. If it is equal,
we return true, else we return false.
The final function in our small scale javascript palindrome detector is
. It has the parameters of palResults
which is the result
of our logic function checkForPalindrome()
and inputString
which is our
user input.
The if statement asks if palResults
is equal to true. If so, we use our
RegEx system again to remove everything from the original string that isn't a letter. Then we turn
our inputString from the array back to a string with the method toString()
remove all the commas from the array with the method.replaceAll()
and finally use
to set it all to lowercase again. We then use our trusty
to grab the element by the id of 'results'. We use
to fill that results element with a string template
literal with ${}
to insert a variable or expression. This will let our
users see their string returned to them lowercase, and reversed.
The else statement is the same as the last part of the if statement except it simply informs the user that their string was not a palindrome.